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valo at home day eleven: connect - gather 'round

As we venture further into this time of social distancing, some of the things we miss most are chats over coffee, marathon dinner conversations, and laughing while we're doing dishes.

This time certainly has us craving connection—and often, those moments come as a result of sharing a meal with our circles (no matter if it’s leftover pizza or a homemade delicacy).

Today, we invite you to do just that. Take the time to connect with your family or housemates while you eat breakfast, invite your neighbors “over” for a shared zoom call dinner, or FaceTime your extended family during lunch—any meal will do!

We recommend setting your phone away (unless you’re chatting digitally—in that case, just mute your other notifications!). Get curious, ask questions, and connect.

A few of our favorite conversation starters during this time have been…

  1. How are you thriving during this time?

  2. Which new habits have you started recently? Which do you hope to continue in the future?

  3. Have you created anything new in the kitchen over the last few weeks?

  4. How will you look back on this time?

  5. Who have you re-connected with recently (either virtually or in-person)?

  6. Which signs of spring have you appreciated recently?

Once you’ve had the chance to chat, snap a pic (or grab a screenshot!) and share it with us using #valomaine.

If you come along and post a photo and tag @valomaine on Instagram or Facebook, we'll enter you in a raffle to win a prize--like a gift card from our friends at Rosemont Market & Bakery or a year-long subscription from the good folks at Taproot Magazine.

Ready to dive in?

Each evening of valo at home, we'll be sharing an email with the next day's spark of valo inspiration. Simply click here to share your email, and we'll make sure you're looped in! You can also forward this post to a friend and invite them to come along. The more the merrier.


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